What We Do

We Make Health Happen

We work with community leaders, non-profit and faith-based organizations, and policymakers to foster and encourage thriving communities where all children and families can live healthy, safe, and productive lives. Representing more than 97,000 south Fresno residents, we are building a movement to create #OneHealthyFresno for everyone.

Our Focus Areas

Our work is grounded in the belief that social, environmental, political, and economic factors impact the health and well-being of individuals and the community. We focus on issues that shape health in powerful ways.


We promote health equity by influencing policies that expand access to preventative medical care, increase investment in community health solutions, and improve overall health outcomes.


We work to influence housing policies that result in quality, affordable, and accessible housing for working-class people.

Economic Development

We champion a democratic economy that meets the essential needs of everyone, balances human consumption, responds to the voices of everyday people, and creates shared prosperity without regard to race, gender, national origin, or wealth.

Land Use

We advocate for responsible land-use policies and practices that reflect resource stewardship and recognize the interconnectedness of people and their environment.

Community Safety

We are committed to building safety for all by advancing investments in our community that prioritize care, connection, and prevention over punishment and control. We believe safety can only be achieved by addressing the root causes of violence and harm and addressing human needs.


We work to advance transportation equity by encouraging systems that focus on addressing people’s mobility needs. We work to establish transportation systems that benefit all people and create positive environmental benefits.

Outdoor Access

We promote outdoor access and recreation for everyone. We recognize the importance of joy in our overall well-being and the fundamental role parks, trails, and green spaces play in creating healthy, vibrant communities.

Current Activities

We work on dynamic, multidimensional, and important issues in our community. Some of our work is carried out over the long term, some is short-term and specific, and some is ongoing programming to foster community participation and build capacity.

Our Projects

Projects have specific completion timelines, may span months or years, and may involve community planning, engagement, or construction management activities. Check out some of our current.

Western Reaches Access Activation Plan (WRAAP)

Together with community partners, we are working to preserve and beautify the San Joaquin River Parkway. With the efforts for restoration and access, this plan intends to make the idea of #River4All a reality for all Fresnans.

Calwa Park Renovation

Built in the 1950’s, Calwa Park features a rocket ship structure inspired by the American ‘Space Race’, for children to play, climb and dream big. After years of neglect, Calwa Park has been in dire need of repair for decades. Thanks to community leaders and young people, Calwa Park is closer to receiving the much-needed renovation it deserves.

COVID-19 Equity Project

When COVID-19 hit our community, it didn’t affect everyone the same. Some people already had a hard time finding a place to go see a doctor, living paycheck to paycheck, and experiencing language barriers and discrimination. The COVID-19 Equity Project was designed to be a resource for our most affected and vulnerable communities.

Protect the San Joaquin River Gorge

Fresno Building Healthy Communities supports access to clean, safe parks and outdoor green space and recreational opportunities for everyone! However, for most Fresnans, access to quality outdoor space is few and far between.


Campaigns are efforts we lead or participate in to garner support for policies, investments, or changes that will improve the quality of life for our community.


Nonprofit hospitals are supposed to use public funds for public good. However, the Community Health System (CHS) is robbing Fresno patients of $1 billion to pay for luxury medical facilities in Clovis while neglecting our downtown hospital. Care4Fresno is a campaign to raise awareness of CHS’ misuse of $1 billion, ensure that non-profit hospital funds are allocated equitably, and guarantee that all vulnerable residents in Fresno County have full and equal access to quality healthcare when they need it and where they need it.


Everyone knows that expanding freeways increases traffic and worsens air pollution. But Caltrans wants to force a dangerous freeway expansion in South Fresno despite overwhelming opposition from residents. That is why we are suing them. Our communities face extraordinary environmental and health challenges. We do not want more freeways; we want safe streets and quality infrastructure that serves people.

Ongoing Programs

We offer ongoing programs to support residents in various ways, including financial assistance, internship opportunities, and leadership development.

Youth Internship Program

We offer paid internships to high school youth residing in Fresno County to provide youth with practical experience. Participants are onboarded annually between March – April and work alongside us until November.

DACA Renewal Scholarships

Thanks to the generosity of private donors, we offer scholarships to eligible DACA recipients to pay for DACA renewal application fees.

Support Our Efforts

We rely on the generous support of our community. Your contribution will help us continue our general and programmatic efforts, such as our Resident Leadership programs, Youth Internship Program, and community events. You can also designate your contribution to support our DACA scholarship fund, the #SaveTheSeñoras rapid response senior assistance program, or the Chicano Youth Center.