Our Strategy

We are dedicated to building a long-term foundation for a healthier community by increasing our community’s capacity to achieve policy and systems transformations that promote equity and justice.

Our Core Activities

Our work is underpinned by core activities that leverage and build on the strength and history of our community.

Fostering Civic Engagement & Leadership

We work to foster civic engagement and leadership by building youth and resident capacity through:

  • Grassroots community organizing.
  • Identifying and training adults, youth, and advocates to build a pipeline of strong civic leaders.
  • Integrated voter engagement.

Elevating the Stories of Our Community

We share the stories of our community by:

  • Partnering with media outlets.
  • Building the capacity of community members to share their stories.
  • Refocusing deficiency-based narratives to highlight community strengths and agency.

Strategic Advocacy & Collective Action

We engage in collective advocacy and action by bringing people together to:

  • Align around common priorities and strategies.
  • Strategize for collective action and advocacy.
  • Leverage and share resources.
  • Connect with regional partners and state-level campaigns.
  • Pursue impact litigation to achieve far-reaching and lasting social change.

Strengthening Community-Based Organizations

We tap into the strength and enhance the capacity of community-based organizations by:

  • Providing technical assistance and training.
  • Supporting leadership and staff development.
  • Providing financial and administrative support.
  • Creating a network of mutual support.
  • Leading and supporting coalitions.

Our Strategic Plan

Support Our Efforts

We rely on the generous support of our community. Your contribution will help us continue our general and programmatic efforts, such as our Resident Leadership programs, Youth Internship Program, and community events. You can also designate your contribution to support our DACA scholarship fund, the #SaveTheSeñoras rapid response senior assistance program, or the Chicano Youth Center.