Our Campaigns

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Current Campaigns

Care 4 Fresno

The Care4Fresno campaign is dedicated to ensuring that public dollars are allocated equitably and with proper oversight, guaranteeing all Fresno County residents have access to quality healthcare when they need it, where they need it.

We invite you to explore our website, read our lawsuit, share your stories, learn more about how our hospitals should better serve your healthcare needs, and find out how you can help drive change!

Moving Forward Together

Transportation for All (T4A) is a strong coalition of dedicated, motivated, and engaged parents, grandparents, community, labor, faith, and business leaders and organizations committed to moving Fresno County forward together via responsible transportation investments and sensible policies.

Caltrans #StopPollutingSouthFresno

Everyone knows that expanding freeways increases traffic and worsens air pollution. But Caltrans wants to force a dangerous freeway expansion in South Fresno despite overwhelming opposition from residents. That is why we are suing them. Our communities face extraordinary environmental and health challenges. We do not want more freeways; we want safe streets and quality infrastructure that serves people.

Support Our Efforts

We rely on the generous support of our community. Your contribution will help us continue our general and programmatic efforts, such as our Resident Leadership programs, Youth Internship Program, and community events. You can also designate your contribution to support our DACA scholarship fund, the #SaveTheSeñoras rapid response senior assistance program, or the Chicano Youth Center.