Measure P is a Statement and Now It’s Time to Act
If you ever feel yourself losing hope, remember what is possible when people harness their power, raise their voice, and vote for a cause, a movement, a transformative act, or a new community vision.
Nearly seven years ago, Fresno residents did this people-power flex when a diverse coalition of Fresnans mobilized to put Measure P on the ballot and organized a lively, robust, and legitimate campaign, #Parks4All.
Hundreds of volunteers spread out across the city to walk neighborhoods, knock on doors, and talk to their fellow residents to explain the many virtues of what eventually became Measure P. This wasn’t a tale of two cities; it was a city united for a healthier Fresno. The voters did the rest by voting yes on the measure, a 3/8-cent local sales tax designed to fund improvements and maintenance of existing public parks, build and maintain new parks and trails, and support local arts and cultural resources and benefits.
Measure P reflects the will of the people. When Fresnans went to the polls in 2018, they made it clear: they want a healthier, safer, and more vibrant city. It is a powerful statement that transcends color, class, and neighborhood. It’s the connection and commitment to the community, whether a family wants to have a picnic at Romain Playground or enjoy a night at the Fresno Philharmonic.
When taxpayers open their wallet, elected officials have a duty to spend those dollars with full transparency and accountability. It’s that simple. Fresnans are willing to invest their hard-earned dollars. They deserve results.
We do know, however, that nothing comes easy in Fresno, and our resolve and resilience are constantly tested. While 52% of Fresnans voted yes on Measure P, this wasn’t enough for the City of Fresno. Fresno BHC stood by the community and went to court to defend the result, and we won. As Fresnans, we fought for Measure P, and we hope you join us to ensure it isn’t an empty promise because Fresno deserves better.
Today, we need your voice and your action to help us keep the promise of Measure P alive.
Contact us if you would like to get involved or if you would like to make a donation, please visit our donation page.
It takes all of us to create #OneHealthyFresno. Join us. The fight isn’t over, and the time to act is now.