Connecting with the Community

At Fresno Building Healthy Communities, we take great pride in partnering with neighbors, families and a variety of residents to create #OneHealthyFresno.

In February, we took part in 9 different events from Malaga to Edison High School to Calwa and all points in between to talk about several different subjects. For instance, thanks to a generous grant from the Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications (OCPSC), we were able to share information about water conservation, how to combat extreme heat, protecting the mental health of our youth and other topics.

As always, our goal is to share information and resources with the community and just as importantly, to learn from folks what is important to them and the issues we all need to address together.

We met and talked with dozens of residents in February and look forward to more great events in March.

To learn more about these topics, our community meetings, how you can get involved, or to raise issues you want to discuss, please contact:

Leticia Gonzalez
559.256.8722, ext. 105.

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