Support Our Efforts

Donate to Fresno BHC

Fresno Building Healthy Communities relies on the generous support of our community. Your contribution will help us continue our advocacy efforts to achieve community transformation by empowering and elevating the voices of community members to take charge on issues that are important to them.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Our Wins

  • 2024
    Selected as a California Nonprofit of the Year by Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula
  • 2022
    Co-led an unprecedented coalition of residents, labor, faith, and community groups to stop a rushed renewal of Measure C – a sales-tax renewal effort crafted behind closed doors by politicians – in its tracks.
  • 2020
    Secured a $6.6 million grant by the California Department of Parks and Recreation Statewide Park Program – one of two awards in Fresno County and the only in the City of Fresno – to renovate Calwa Park in southcentral Fresno.
  • 2020-
    Established the Immigrant Refugee Coalition and co-developed the Fresno COVID-19 Equity Project – a collaborative effort including over 17 community-based organizations and 100 community health workers providing prevention education, vaccinations, and resources to over 25,000 vulnerable community residents in Fresno County. The project has been replicated in two other counties with Fresno BHC’s support.
  • 2018-
    Co-authored and led community and voter engagement efforts to pass Measure P – a 30-year sales tax initiative to fund parks, arts, and trails in the City of Fresno (2015-2018) and led litigation efforts against the City of Fresno to force its implementation.
  • 2017
    Led community engagement efforts and advocacy to inform the Community Health Needs Assessment to help shape how non-profit hospitals invest in local communities.
  • 2010-
    Worked with statewide partners to expand Medi-Cal to undocumented young adults.
  • 2015
    Helped create a $5.5 million non-resident specialty fund in Fresno County to ensure undocumented Fresnans have access to life-saving medical care.

Help us make a difference in our community today!